Environmental Leadership-ipad

At the Beer Store environmental leadership is a core value

We don’t just talk about the importance of being environmentally responsible at The Beer Store, we actually do something about it – we’ve even made Environmental Leadership one of our core values.

We understand that it can be a bit daunting to return all the variety of empties. And we know that many of you want to do the right thing and want to be a good recycler and protector of the environment. To help us help you, we’ve put together a step-by-step instruction booklet and guide to ensure you are providing ‘Better Returns’ at The Beer Store! Please refer to this guide as a handy reminder before your next visit to our stores. We encourage you to share this information with friends and family so we all become great ambassadors on recycling, reusing and returning.

Here are some of the ways we “walk the talk”:

  • We take back all alcohol primary and secondary packaging sold across the province of Ontario. This includes bottles, cans, kegs, cardboard packaging of various pack sizes, bottle caps and plastic rings. In fact, we’re a global leader in this practice. All collected materials are either reused or recycled.

  • We have an impressive recovery rate of 98% on the industry standard bottle. Ours is undoubtedly the most successful waste diversion program in Ontario, if not all of North America.

  • Recycling industry standard bottles and inert glass containers helps reduce pressure on landfill space and significantly reduces pollution and green house gas (GHG) emissions.

  • The Beer Store was Canada’s first business recipient of the Environmental Choice Leadership Award.

Save Time Returning Your Empties

Planning Your Visit

We recommend the following steps to ensure you have a safe and quick returns experience. For a list of stores accepting returns, please click here. Please check store hours before visiting.

Rinse and organize your empty containers at home.
Rinse and organize your empty containers at home.

Before visiting your local Beer Store, customers are asked to rinse and organize their empty containers at home. Please refer to our Better Returns Guide to ensure proper sorting. It’s highly recommended to place containers in their original packaging or use clear plastic bags.

Collect a Cart.
Grab a cart.

Upon arrival, grab a cart.

Sort your returns using the black totes provided.
Sort your returns using the black totes provided.

To sort your empties, please refer to our Better Returns Guide

If applicable, wait in the designated empty container return line for your turn.
If applicable, wait in the designated empty container return line for your turn.

Wait in the designated empty container return line for your turn.

Have your deposit returned or donate to a charity.
Have your deposit returned or donate to a charity.

Your deposit is returned. Please note that you have the option to donate your deposit to charity.

Need help with your empties? Ask our friendly CSRs

If you have any questions about how to start your empties, no worries! Just ask one of our friendly CSRs for help.